luni, 28 aprilie 2014


Hey guys,

Astazi as vrea sa va vorbesc despre un motto care mi-a placut foarte mult, semnat de Zig Ziglar, unul dintre speaker-ii mei preferati:

“ Inconjoara-te de persoane care te ajuta sa devii un om mai bun”

Ultima data cand m-am identificat cu sloganul de mai sus a fost la o sedinta avuta chiar astazi, in care am avut norocul sa absorb cateva invataminte de la o femeie absolut deosebita. Stiti genul acela de persoane de a caror prezenta simti ca nu ai cum sa te saturi? Asa este aceasta doamna minunata: nu exista minut banal alaturi de ea- stie sa glumeasca, stie sa faca business (dupa parerea mea intr-un mare fel), stie cand sa intoarca roata, pe scurt este “unsa cu toate alifiile”.

Ei bine, ma intrebam cati oameni de genul acesta avem norocul sa avem alaturi de noi, in diferite etape ale vietii, si ma mai intrebam cum si daca stim sa ne bucuram de ei.

Din fericire pentru mine sunt inconjurata de astfel de persoane- lucky me, nu-i asa? J

Stiti ce ii face pe oamenii astia atat de deosebiti? Dorinta sa te invete, sa te dezvolte si sa te sprijine neconditionat- uneori o fac constient, alteori o fac prin puterea propriului exemplu si de cele mai multe ori poate nici nu au idee cat de mult iti pot influenta in bine existenta.

Ma gandeam ca desi suntem adulti, avem propria personalitate, traducem informatii prin propriul filtru si actionam ca atare, in cele mai inspirate momente ajungem sa actionam ca niste copii mici, care identifica un comportament foarte misto la o persoana pe care o admira si il replica, sa vada cum functioneaza “treaba”- si asta pentru ca renuntam la EGO si suntem deschisi sa INVATAM.

Vorba psihologului: “copilul face pana la 15 ani ce ii spun parintii iar dupa 15 ani face ce fac parintii”. Cu alte cuvinte, puterea exemplului este copiata si in viata de adult in primul rand de la cei mai de seama educatori ai nostri (parintii), si, in diferite contexte, ajunge sa fie copiata si de la persoane pe care le admiram.

Desigur, nu ma refer la toate actiunile noastre, ci la anumite situatii in care facem astfel de alegeri pentru ca identificam niste beneficii personale, bazate pe diferite rationamente. Pe acelasi principiu functioneaza si exemplele personale de “asa nu”, astfel incat ajungem sa actionam intr-un mod pozitiv  invatand din greselile altora (sa spunem J ).

Toate bune si frumoase daca tot ce am descris mai sus este pur constructiv si in permanenta trecut prin filtrul personal.

Ei bine, cum o moneda are doua fete, exista insa si situatii in care astfel de persoane sunt interpretate la poli opusi unor comportamente constructive si sunt catalogate drept fiind manipulatoare, false, “too good to be true”.

Am trait si astfel de experiente si ceea ce va pot spune este faptul ca, indiferent de soiul remarcilor de acest gen, le-am admirat cu atat mai mult cu cat mi-au aratat ca nu stiu sa se “impiedice” de astfel de “carcotasi”- asta pentru ca au drumul lor, stiu care este destinatia dorita si merg mai departe.
Deci "flash news" guys- "too good to be true" exista! :)
Articolul de astazi se vrea a fi un tribut pentru toate persoanele minunate din viata mea, care stiu sa traiasca, sa iubeasca, sa munceasca , sa ma inspire si care continua sa daruiasca: va multumesc ca ma ajutati sa devin un om mai bun!

Seara de vis va doresc!


Hey guys,

Today I would like to tell you about one of my favourites mottos, signed by Zig Ziglar- loved the speaker, love the motto:

“ Surround yourself with people who make you a better person”

The last time I lived the words above was in one of my meetings at work today, when I was lucky enough to enjoy some lessons from one absolutely special lady.  Have you met that kind of person of whom’s presence you can’t get tired of? This is how this wonderful lady is: there are no ordinary moments to live with her- she knows how to joke with you, how to do business with you ( great business), how to take the appropriate decisions all the time, in other words, she’s savy .

Well, I was wondering how many of these inspiring  peope do we have the luck to meet in life and also if and how do we appreciate them and what they represent to us.

Luckily for me, there are quite a few in my life J

Do you know what makes them so special? In my opinion is their will to teach you, develop you, to support you unconditionally – sometimes aware of their influence, sometimes just by the power of their own example and most of the times they have absolutely no idea of how they are positively influencing your life.

I was thinking that, even if we are adults, with totally different personalities, a personal filter for our experiences and act in our own way, in the most inspiring moments we act like children, fully or partially imitating a great behavior we identify from a reference person we admire, to see how things work their way- and that’s simply because we loose the EGO filter and decide to LEARN.

It’s like the say: “the child is acting up to 15 years of age as his parents tell him to and after the 15th of age like his parents used to”. In other words, the power of example is being copied in our adult lifes firstly form our parents and, in some circumstances from people we admire.

Of course, I don’t mean all of our actions are borrowed , just some situations as long as we identify personal benefits, based on our judging. In the same principle we have the “ unmeetly” behaviours , helping us acting in a positive way as we learn from people’s around us mistakes.

Si far so good if all we descried so far is purely constructive and permanently filtered.

As a coin has two faces, there are also situations whereby inspiring people are being judged in an opposite matter and seen as manipulative, fake or “too good to be true”.

I’ve lived such experiences and what impressed me was the fact that these remarkable people managed to show everybody that they are over this kind of thinking simply because it wasn’t part of their plan, of their destination.
So flash news guys- "too good to be true" does exist!:)
In the end but not at least, I would like to dedicate this article today to all the people in my life that know how to live, love, work, inspire and give: thank you all guys for helping me become a better person J!

Have a great evening!

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